Saturday 20 June 2015

Frank Lloyd Wright Coonley House FLoor PLan and Elevations

       The Avery Coonley House was built in 1907-1908. Then in 1911, Avery Coonley commissioned Wright to build a playhouse where Mrs. Coonley would teach kindergarten. The Coonley Playhouse windows incorporate iconic images of a parade, including balloons, American flags and confetti. The designs used in these windows were artistically striking, adding brightly colored circles to Wright’s usual selection of squares and rectangles.
      The Coonley house is also the first example in Wright's work of a zoned plan. The raised second floor includes three zones: The public area (living room and dining room), the bedroom wing (with its pendant guest wing) and finally the kitchen and servants areas. The over-9000-square-foot residence built on a ten-acre parcel has been referred to by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy as an American version of the Palazzo Style. The entrance halls, playroom and sewing room are on the ground floor. An entire complex of interrelated buildings with extensive raised and sunken gardens was designed by landscape architect Jens Jensen. The main structure of the Avery Coonley Estate is the public-living room wing, located on Bloomingbank Road and behind that facing Scottswood Road is the bedroom wing of the mansion.

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